You know the drill. Here are the rules:
1.) Thank the person who nominated you.
Thank you so much Lauren! Lauren Waters is the author of two novels of the Infinite Series–a reincarnation fantasy saga. She shares her Adventures in Self-Publishing, which all writers should appreciate.
2.) Share seven things about yourself.
* I have two English bulldogs, Maggie and Taz
* I am a gamer girl geek and old enough to be your mother
* I grew up playing Galaga
* I once drank a bottle filled with pond water and tadpoles
* I once believed pregnant women swallowed watermelon seeds
* I won a stuffed, 8-foot snake when I was 5
* I want to study Vodou.
3.) Nominate seven other Versatile Bloggers.
David W. Clary
Stacy Green
Julz Perri
Kim Krodel
Chantel Rhondeau
S.P. Clark