Here's another writing exercise I read about in The Five-Minute Writer by Margret Geraghty. This fun exercise helped improve my confidence in stepping outside the box and being a bit more original. Maybe in doing so, I’ve missed the mark at some point, but it was still fun.
Try to rewrite these clichés by replacing the italicized word(s) below. I will never get bored with writing exercises. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.
Flat as a pancake
Flat as a girl who pads her triple A bra
Good as gold
Good as knowing you're wearing fresh underwear just before you wreck your car
Faster than a bat out of hell
Faster than Susan Rice making network rounds in order to blame a video for what happened in Ben Ghazi
Charging around like a bull in a china shop
Charging around like Napolean on a basketball court
Pretty as a picture
Pretty as Marilyn Monroe standing over a subway vent
Slow as a snail
Slow as Obama proclaiming Israel is our friend
Hard as nails
Hard as finding government employees in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy
Meek as a lamb
Meek as an English teacher from Great Britain teaching at a high school in South Compton, L.A.
White as a sheet
White as Michael Jackson at a rap concert
Silent as the grave
Silent as a crowded elevator when a midget steps in
Cold as ice
Cold as the first splash from a bidet on a flaming hemorrhoid
Go ahead, try them! This was so much fun my day has gone by faster than a speeding bullet (I had to).