With learning comes mistakes, and boy have they been painful. Today I discovered that I caused another developer a slap on the hand for infringement violations. It was all innocent, I promise!
Anyway, it's been cleared up and I get to keep my developer accounts with Google and Apple. What a scare! I know this seems a bit over-dramatic, but hey, this is a blog, not a news site. Stay tuned here though. My subscribers and readers will be the first to download and test out my new app, so stick around!
What will you be able to do with my new app?
- Get a quote for web design, photography, content management, and editorial services.
- View my extensive portfolio in one place
- Submit guest posts and ideas for my blog
- Request a review of your book
- Purchase my books (short stories for now, I'm working on it!)
Do you think there is a demand for this type of mobile functionality?
Until next time, don't go causing people to get in trouble for intellectual property rights violations (unintentional), unless of course you're just learning the ropes. Then you get a couple of screw ups before you'll be held accountable I'm sure. And as my friend Randi always says, "Stay classy, Blog-o-sphere!"
Okay, that wasn't infringement. I totally gave her credit.