I was disappointed in this movie. Too much of the dialogue kept shifting back to the ole "remember when" type thing. The original Matrix was an awesome movie, no reminders needed! I'm going to review this story by picking on some of the characters I think were either over done or under played.
Agent Smith - I think I'll puke if I ever hear "Mr. Anderson" again. This is THE worst character in the whole entire movie. He's like a freaking virus, duplicating himself and becoming more powerful in number...not within himself. That's ridiculous that all his duplicates sit there and watch while he basically kicked Neo's ass all by himself. How can this be? Neo kicked thousands of Agent Smiths in Reloaded and now they have ONE, one Agent Smith kick his ass. It doesn't make any sense to me. Visit
The No Resolution Resolution.
The twins - I was expecting to see them again. The morphing twins are a far better breed of cool than 50 million Agent Smiths. God, I never thought they'd continue with that one. I guess bringing in the morphing twins wasn't possible though. It would have taken away face time for the powerful, growing in number Agent Smiths that for some God awful reason they thought would be even more cool than the 25 million Agent Smiths previously in Reloaded.

Niobe (that her name?) - Trinity is supposed to be the cool chick. What were they thinking? It's like they were attempting to downplay all the heros/heroines and insert new ones. If they wanted new heros/heroines they should have made a different movie. I went to see Neo, Trinity and Morpheus kick some ass, not get put on the back-burner to let this no-name lady take all the credit for doing the impossible. The two muscular looking women who took out the main machine were more impressive than this chick.
The Frenchman - He punked out too quick. They really could have done without the overload of testosterone in Trinity's "give me Neo or we all die" routine. It was too early in the movie for that kind of thing and it left an abrupt end to this awesome character, The Frenchman. I would have liked to have seen more of his character. He was very pompous, but I really liked him.

The Trainman - He was really tough. One kick put Neo down. That was it, what was his purpose though? I was expecting to see him again, not just sitting next to the Frenchman when he punked out, but in a fight scene somewhere. Did they just want to put some ugly dude in the movie so that he could kick Neo into a concrete wall? Whatever they were going for, it didn't translate well.
This is what I think happened in the transition from Matrix to Matrix Revolutions:

Neo and Trinity fell in love in the first movie and consummated their relationship in the second. End of story. No more cool stuff, only mushy stuff, new faces and someone trying desperately to piggyback off an original storyline while trying to keep the on-going technological symbolisms. They probably didn't realize how cool the morphing twins were because there wasn't any time between movies to get any feedback or they would have had an opportunity to see where they should go with Revolution. For that reason, I think it was a bad idea to shoot the films back to back like that.
My exact words when leaving the theatre: I don't know...it just didn't have that bad ass feel to it. If you don't agree with me, leave a comment. Well, leave a comment even if you DO! I always like to read your opinions.