The text enhanced linking is caused by a technique which infects your browser to create links on keyword search items which link to another site. It's an advertising ploy which is very annoying. You can stop this from happening. If you are a Chrome user, I can vouch for this process. It works!
Go to the Chrome Web Store and download the Ad Block Extension and install it. Annoyance exterminated!
The organizations who use this to get click backs to their site are very annoying. If they had legitimate content of their own, they shouldn't have to maliciously drive traffic from other sites. They should do it like the rest of the world and create rich, valuable content!!
I didn't realize it was my PC for a good while. When I noticed it happening more and more on all of your blogs, I thought it was an epidemic, but then when I visited from my work PC, everything seemed fine.
Have you run into this on your own PC?