The first validation came in the form of a rare and challenging moment. It was in the midst of my attempting to acquire seats on a flight after having paid $1,100.00 for airline tickets to Roanoke, VA. Being a software developer, I understand systems go down at routine intervals for maintenance and such, thereby leaving websites unavailable to provide services. I also appreciate the alternative option of picking up the phone and calling the number provided in order to finish my transaction and ensure a product with which I will be satisfied, namely, a flight with assigned seats which will allow me to travel beside my companion and love of my life.
This was my ordeal while attempting to access the telephone version of whatever system assigns seats at this particular airline:
Airline recording: Please state your confirmation number using words in place of letters, such as C as in Charlie or P as in Paul.
Diane: G as in God, B as in Boy, D as in Dog, K as in Kelly, 2, 5.
Airline recording: I'm sorry, your answer is confusing. Many words sound the same. Please distinguish your letters and remember, C as in Charlie or P as in Paul. Please state your confirmation number.
Diane: G as in Good, B as in Boy, D as in door, K as in Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, 2, 5.
Airline recording: I'm sorry, your answer is confusing. Many words sound the same. Please distinguish your letters and remember, C as in Charlie or P as in Paul. Please state your confirmation number.
Diane: How about F*** OFF?!!!!
Airline recording: One moment while we transfer you to someone who can further assist you.
Further assist? You haven't assisted me AT ALL. You've only managed to waste my damn time!
THIS is why I chose the Communications Program...in the name of progress, of course. It's in my purpose statement, I promise. :)
Do you find this form of open-ended communications a waste of time? When is it appropriate to provide some human intervention?