In a good faith effort to show I do not wish to exclude anyone from contributing a voice here at Are We There Yet? I've decided to invest in a bulletin board system, fully embedded and integrated with my blog.
You don't have to comment on an article to contribute to the blog. In the forums, you can sign up with Facebook, Twitter, OpenID, Blogger, WordPress, or from any number of accounts and post about writing: flash fiction, short stories, novels, or even link an article. You can create a post about an upcoming event. Do you have a book signing in the future? Post about it. Want to upload the book cover? Go for it.
Anyway, I hope you will take this as an opportunity to become more involved here. I enjoy your comments, so I'm offering more ways for you to comment and share your stuff with me. Check it out. My husband posted a photo of the bay in Key Largo in the events section. It's where we will be spending our anniversary this year.